Tell us a little about Butler Goode Gallery and your role?
The Butler Goode Gallery specialises in exhibiting Contemporary European, Australian, Indigenous and International Art work. The Gallery predominantly showcases established and emerging artists that have not be shown in Sydney and in most often cases Australia before. We exclusively present a worldly collection of prestigious art work by sought after international artists, giving our customers an exclusive insight into not only the Australian art scene but the current global art market.
Because the Butler Goode Gallery has such an eclectic and diverse portfolio of art work , we always have something in the gallery to offer everyone , from our first time art buyers to our regular art collectors. The gallery concept is that art is for everyone to enjoy and not just the elite, therefore we present ourselves as a very approachable gallery that has all different styles of art to match any budget or taste.
Greg Butler Katy Richfield-Goode Dan Goode
What are the five words that people who know you would use to describe you and your business?
Welcoming. Professional. Worldly. Eclectic. Innovative
What was the purpose on starting your Art Gallery and how has the concept come about?
I have been dealing in art in London and Europe for over the past twelve years in many prestigious art galleries such as The Richard Green Gallery and Christies Auction House to name a few, and upon moving to Australia it instantly struck me that the variety of art work in the majority of the galleries here was lacking. I was consistently the same established names being shown over and over again and offering little else with a far wider appeal to not only the Australian but the global art market. I really felt it was an enormous shame for the Australian public to be missing out on so much fantastic international art work which is not being represented here.
There are of course so many talented Australian artists to choose from and support, many of whom we show in the gallery but why stop there, why make peoples options so limited that they only have what’s immediately on their door step to choose from, it is a big wide world out there and Australia should be able to enjoy and benefit from that also.
I see our role as to offer the Australian public something fresh and exciting to look at .Our main focus is to be as welcoming and as informative as possible to anyone who wants to enjoy or understand more about the art. Most of the general public say they find art galleries intimidating places where they do not feel confident to ask about the art and its meaning, where as we are always happy to encourage clients to engage with the art work and how to gain a greater understanding of the art buying process and market. Our role is to help guide any customer through their decision process of buying an art work and help them find the right piece for their budget, taste and what can most compliment them and their home, office space or for their investment portfolio.
What are the most common issues that relate to artists who come to see you in your Art Gallery?
I continually meet very talented artists, who sadly really struggle to make a good living out of their craft or to make a reputable name for themselves because sadly they are creative people and not business people, which is why so many of them go unnoticed. The Butler Goode Gallery excels at guiding our emerging artists through the market and provide the best marketing and PR support we can for them to help their talent be recognised internationally. We exhibit their work not only in the gallery , but regularly show case their art work at international art fairs, and we continually have a strong presence in the arts and media press so our artists always receive fantastic coverage during their exhibitions with us. We work hard on their behalf to make their work as internationally successful as possible.
Tell us more about your services that you provide to the Art industry?
We are exclusively bringing internationally renowned and award winning art work to Australia which has never been viewed here before and I think that is incredibly exciting and refreshing. We offer our clients the opportunity to own a fantastic piece of work that so far only important art collectors in Europe can boast to owning. We offer our clients the ability to boast a far rarer collection of work than what can be seen in many of the art collections in Australia that are so often repeatedly displayed in galleries, corporate offices and homes.
Tell us about your process for working with clients?
We consult to anyone who wants to buy art work for their home to match their image, identity and style to advising collectors on art investment options. We offer home approval services to anyone who wishes to try a piece in their home first before committing to a purchase so they can visualise living with that piece at home. We also work closely with Interior designers to help find the perfect painting for their latest brief. We often visit client’s homes or locations to advice on the best possible options available to them.

Artist Jacqui Doran “Inca”
What advice can you offer to artists who are looking for a gallery to represent their art?
I would suggest they do their research and find a gallery that is relevant to the type of art work they produce, and send them a well written and well presented email with their current biography noting their career to date. A well presented website of their work is the best platform to show their art as it looks far more professional than a few images attached to an email.
They should set the scene about their work and their inspiration for painting and their influences. This insight to their work often really helps the viewer get a greater understanding of the art work they are looking at and its meaning.
Try to exhibit at the art fairs and biennales to help build a name for themselves, these are great place to get yourself noticed by the art industry and art buying public and is often where I meet many of the artists I represent.

Do you have a book that you would like to recommend?
I continually read extracts from “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne as it really helps to motivate me and remind me that I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it , and that positive thinking attracts positive outcomes, even on the toughest of days I find these teachings very uplifting.
Where do we find your services? (list office, links websites & contact personnel)223 Butler Goode Gallery Paddington Five Ways Sydney 2021 T:+61 (0)2 9361 0937
Do you have a special offer to the ArtSHINE community?
Artist Claire Layman -“Treasure III”
In August we will be featuring an exclusive collection of Claire Layman paintings in her solo show “Fluid Dimensions” from the 11th-28th August, but in July we are offering a limited time only pre-release prices of her work, so there has never been a better time to invest in her work than this month. Please see this link to get a preview of the art work to be shown in August
Please contact the gallery for further details:
Great interview and tips for us artists. Thanks heaps Vinh & Katy