Quote of the week! The Driving Forces Behind Success: Desire, Passion, and Purpose

“In order to succeed, your desire, passion, and purpose for success should be greater

than your fear of failure.”


This insightful quote from ArtSHINE emphasizes the crucial elements that drive success: desire, passion, and purpose. These elements are particularly vital for artists, designers, and creative professionals. In a field often fraught with uncertainty and subjective judgment, the strength of one’s inner motivations can be the determining factor between success and stagnation.

The Power of Desire

Desire is the foundational element that propels individuals toward their goals. It is the longing for achievement and the hunger to reach new heights. Without desire, there is no motivation to take the first step or to persist in the face of challenges.

For example, consider the legendary fashion designer Coco Chanel. Born into poverty, Chanel’s desire to create a better life for herself fueled her relentless pursuit of success. Her desire to revolutionize women’s fashion and break free from societal norms led her to create timeless designs that continue to influence the industry today. Chanel’s story illustrates how a strong desire can overcome even the most daunting obstacles and pave the way for groundbreaking achievements.

The Role of Passion

Passion is the emotional force that sustains us through the highs and lows of our creative journeys. It is the deep-seated love for one’s craft that drives continuous improvement and innovation. Passion is what keeps artists, designers, and creatives going, even when the going gets tough.

James Cameron, the visionary filmmaker behind iconic movies like “Titanic” and “Avatar,” exemplifies the power of passion. Cameron’s passion for storytelling and technological innovation has led him to push the boundaries of filmmaking. Despite numerous setbacks and challenges, his passion kept him focused on his vision, resulting in some of the highest-grossing films in history. Cameron’s success story underscores how passion can fuel perseverance and lead to extraordinary accomplishments.

The Importance of Purpose

Purpose provides direction and meaning to our efforts. It is the “why” behind what we do, guiding our actions and decisions. A clear sense of purpose aligns our goals with our values and inspires us to make a meaningful impact through our work.

Consider the work of Ai Weiwei, a renowned contemporary artist and activist. Weiwei’s art is deeply intertwined with his purpose of advocating for human rights and freedom of expression. His installations, films, and performances challenge political and social injustices, resonating with audiences worldwide. Weiwei’s unwavering commitment to his purpose has not only elevated his art but also brought global attention to critical issues. His journey illustrates how a strong sense of purpose can drive creative professionals to create work that transcends aesthetics and brings about social change.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is a common hurdle for many creative professionals. It can paralyze action, stifle innovation, and undermine confidence. However, when desire, passion, and purpose are stronger than this fear, they provide the resilience needed to push forward.

Take the example of Elon Musk, the entrepreneur behind companies like Tesla and SpaceX. Musk’s ventures have faced numerous failures and near-bankruptcies. However, his desire to innovate, passion for technology, and purpose of advancing humanity have kept him persevering. Musk’s ability to overcome fear of failure has led to revolutionary advancements in electric vehicles and space exploration. His story demonstrates how strong inner motivations can help creative professionals navigate setbacks and achieve remarkable success.

Practical Strategies for Cultivating Desire, Passion, and Purpose

For artists, designers, and creative professionals looking to harness these driving forces, here are some practical strategies:

  1. Clarify Your Goals: Define what success means to you. Setting specific, meaningful goals can help you channel your desire into actionable steps.
  2. Nurture Your Passion: Engage in activities that inspire and energize you. Surround yourself with people and environments that foster creativity and enthusiasm for your craft.
  3. Align with Your Purpose: Reflect on why you do what you do. Connecting your work to a larger purpose can provide motivation and resilience, especially during challenging times.
  4. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: View setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than as reflections of your worth. Each failure is a stepping stone toward success.
  5. Seek Inspiration from Role Models: Learn from the journeys of successful creatives who have overcome adversity. Their stories can provide valuable insights and encouragement.

The Long-Term Perspective

Understanding that success is a marathon, not a sprint, is crucial for creative professionals. The journey requires sustained effort, patience, and the ability to stay motivated despite the inevitable ups and downs.

One contemporary example is Yayoi Kusama, the avant-garde artist known for her immersive installations and polka dot motifs. Kusama’s career spans decades of experimentation and perseverance. Her desire to create, passion for art, and purpose of expressing her unique vision have driven her to become one of the most influential artists of our time. Kusama’s journey exemplifies how long-term dedication, fueled by desire, passion, and purpose, leads to lasting impact and recognition.

Conclusion: The Path to Success

The quote from ArtSHINE, “In order to succeed, your desire, passion, and purpose for success should be greater than your fear of failure,” encapsulates the essence of what it takes to thrive in the creative industries. By cultivating strong inner motivations, artists, designers, and creative professionals can overcome the fear of failure and achieve their goals.

Drawing inspiration from the stories of Coco Chanel, James Cameron, Ai Weiwei, Elon Musk, and Yayoi Kusama, it becomes evident that the path to success is paved with desire, passion, and purpose. These elements not only drive creative excellence but also provide the resilience needed to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the creative journey.

Ultimately, by embracing and nurturing these driving forces, creative professionals can unlock their full potential and make a meaningful impact through their work.

Want to learn more?

  1. Find out more
  2. Launch Pad + Accelerator Expressions of Interest
  3. Selling and Licensing Your Art & Designs Around the World with ArtSHINE.
  4. Looking for exciting new Art and Designs to license.

We’re here to help you to take action, just like we’ve helped thousands of other entrepreneurs, business owners, and creative professionals all around the globe.

Now is the time to let your passion SHINE.

Now is the time to Make Tomorrow Today!

To your success, Vinh Van Lam and Stuart Horrex Cofounders ArtSHINE.com

Vinh Van Lam
the authorVinh Van Lam
Vinh Van Lam, co-founder of ArtSHINE, is a visionary art coach and entrepreneur with a passion for fostering creativity. With a diverse background in art and business, he brings a unique perspective to empower emerging artists, enabling them to thrive in the dynamic art industry through the innovative platform of ArtSHINE.

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