Let’s face it; B2B companies aren’t renowned for their compelling marketing. Your average company website is generally full to the brim of business jargon and about as po-faced as is possible.
There’s a good reason why – it’s because business owners want to appear as professional as possible. However, there’s a delicate balance between looking like you mean business and boring your audience to tears with jargon.
In this guide, we’re going to go through a few ways that B2B companies can appear a little more exciting. A small amount of work on your branding is all that is needed, so read on to find out more.
Write about your customers
In all your marketing materials, stop blathering on about how fantastic you are. Instead, focus on what benefits your product or service brings your customers. Nobody wants to hear how well you regard yourself, but they might listen if your current customers advocate your good points. Define your ideal client, and approach all your marketing from their perspective, and talk to them in their language. You will become a lot more interesting to anyone reading when you give them a compelling reason.
Have an opinion
Many B2B companies don’t want to have an opinion, for fear of scaring off big companies. However, companies don’t read your marketing materials – people do. You have to remember that you need to stand out from the competition above everything else. And, adding some personality and opinion can be a great way to get started. Sure, you will lose some people who don’t like the sound of what you do and who you are. But, you will instantly appeal to a lot more people than you have before. Regarding a trade-off, it’s no-brainer.
Spice up your content
You might be working in a dull industry, but there’s still a lot you can do to spice up your marketing content. Focus on giving your customers real data about how your business can help them. Wrap up that data in snappy blog posts, infographics, and videos. You can even look onto annual report design to make your end-of-year financials a lot more appealing to read. The vast majority of business blogs and marketing are so dull it’s beyond a joke. It won’t take much effort to distinguish yourself from the competition.
Tell more stories
Finally, understand that people love stories. And, if they see their business reflected in those stories, there is more chance the will respond. Customer testimonials work well, as we discussed already. You can also look at the journeys of your clients, and how you have helped them along. Case studies are useful tools, too, as your audience will see the bigger picture. And, of course, how much your company has contributed to another’s success. All stories are just tools to get somebody’s point across. It’s that simple – and if you can do it for your business, you will appear a lot more attractive to your audience.
Hope this has helped – let us know your thoughts, and feel free to leave us any more of your tips!
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