Tell us a little about yourself and what you do.
Who (or what) inspires you to do what you love in your own creative business?
I love designing and making things and have so many ideas of what I would like to do future wise. I have to keep a book beside my bed as I wake up in the night with lots more ideas! I love travelling and looking at shop windows around the world and have a terrible online shopping habit.

My favourite fashion designers are: Marc Jacobs, Eley Kishimoto, Tsumori Chisato, Akira Isogawa and Sonia Rykiel. Anything bright and colourful that uses lots of pattern catches my eye. I also have a huge love of retro fabric and have boxes full of Marimekko and cute Japanese fabrics.
Where do you get your inspiration from when you design & create?
Overseas trips, especially to my favourite places Venice and New York help me relax and come up with new ideas.
What are the five words that people who know you would use to describe you?
Tell us about your very first job and what path have you taken since then?
Describe a typical day in your studio space?
I have to have a coffee first thing in the morning and like to look at blogs and check my orders to see if I need to make anything or post some packages. After that, I have a list of things to do and try and do the things that need my concentration the most first. I’m much more of a morning person, so I like to do the creative things in the morning and the ones that require less attention later on in the day.
As an Artist and Designer, what is your biggest frustration?
Tell us about how you prioritise your studio work.
If I have orders, I try and complete them first, otherwise I like to give myself time to create new things as well as working on the production side of things. I am a list writer, so I follow my list!
Tell us more about the PYD market that you will be doing and how it has come about.
The PYD design market is based in Waterloo and is just around the corner from one of my favourite places in Sydney Fratelli Fresh on Dank St. I have been in two markets in the life of Scoops Design; The Young Designers Markets at the Powerhouse Museum and the original Hope Street Markets. I decided it was time to venture out again into the world of markets, gain a different audience and hopefully meet lots of new people.
I have made some cute limited edition Christmas decorations and cards to complement my jewellery and baby clothes for these markets.
Since you are working at home, can you please tell us about how do you connect with other artists, and your customers (i.e. how do you network)?
What advice can you offer other creative people who are just starting out and following their passions?
What dreams do you still want to achieve or fulfil in your life?
What is your proudest moment so far?
Who do you most want to meet and why?
What is the most important lesson in life that you have learned?
What book are you reading right now, and do you have a book you would like to recommend?

Where do we find you and your products?
Store wise Scoops Design is stocked in: The National Gallery of Victoria and Antipodes in Victoria, Form in WA, Lellow and the Handmade Market Shop in Canberra, The Collective Store and Anna and Sally in Queensland. The Powerhouse Museum and Published Art stock my brooches in Sydney.
Coops rocks