Why Australia and Some Other Countries Celebrate Father’s Day in September

A Unique Tradition celebration in Australia

Father’s Day is celebrated on different dates across the world, with the majority of countries observing it on the third Sunday in June. However, some countries, including Australia and New Zealand, celebrate it on the first Sunday in September. This discrepancy in dates can be attributed to a variety of historical, cultural, and practical factors. Let’s explore the reasons behind this difference and the significance it holds.

Historical Context and Cultural Influence

The origins of Father’s Day date back to the early 20th century in the United States. It was established to complement Mother’s Day and to honor fatherhood and male parenting. The idea was initially proposed by Sonora Smart Dodd, inspired by her own father, who was a single parent raising six children. The first Father’s Day was celebrated in Spokane, Washington, on June 19, 1910. Eventually, the third Sunday in June was adopted as the official date for Father’s Day in the United States.

As the concept of Father’s Day spread globally, many countries adopted the June celebration due to cultural influences and historical connections with the United States. However, not all countries followed suit. Australia and New Zealand, for instance, chose a different date for their celebrations.

Australia’s and New Zealand’s Choice of September

There is no definitive historical record explaining why Australia and New Zealand specifically chose the first Sunday in September for Father’s Day. However, several plausible theories and practical considerations can shed light on this decision:

  1. Seasonal Considerations:
    • In Australia and New Zealand, June is a winter month, and September marks the beginning of spring. Celebrating Father’s Day in September allows for more favorable weather conditions, making it easier for families to engage in outdoor activities and gatherings.
    • Spring symbolizes new beginnings and growth, aligning well with the celebration of fatherhood and family.
  2. Commercial and Economic Factors:
    • The retail industry plays a significant role in the timing of Father’s Day. By scheduling it in September, retailers can strategically space out major commercial holidays throughout the year, avoiding a concentration of holidays in June.
    • September offers a unique opportunity for promotions and sales, distinct from the busy end-of-financial-year sales in June.
  3. Cultural Independence:
    • Australia and New Zealand may have chosen September to establish a sense of cultural independence and uniqueness. By selecting a different date, these countries can highlight their own traditions and avoid being seen as merely following the lead of the United States.

Significance and Insights

The decision to celebrate Father’s Day in September in Australia and New Zealand holds cultural and practical significance. It reflects the adaptability and diversity of traditions, showing how global concepts can be tailored to fit local contexts. Here are some insights into the significance of this choice:

  1. Celebrating Fathers in Spring:
    • Springtime, with its connotations of renewal and growth, provides a fitting backdrop for honoring fathers. The pleasant weather encourages family activities, such as picnics, barbecues, and outdoor sports, fostering a spirit of togetherness.
  2. Retail Opportunities:
    • The timing of Father’s Day in September allows retailers to create dedicated marketing campaigns and sales events, boosting economic activity during a period that might otherwise be quieter.
  3. Cultural Distinction:
    • By celebrating Father’s Day in September, Australia and New Zealand assert their cultural identity. This distinction can foster a sense of national pride and community, as people engage in unique local traditions and customs.
  4. Global Variation:
    • The variation in dates for Father’s Day worldwide highlights the diverse ways in which cultures honor parenthood. It serves as a reminder that while the concept of celebrating fathers is universal, the expression of that celebration can vary widely.

Countries that Celebrate Father’s Day in June

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Canada
  4. India
  5. China
  6. Mexico
  7. Japan
  8. South Africa
  9. Philippines
  10. Greece
  11. France
  12. Netherlands
  13. Argentina
  14. Bangladesh
  15. Malaysia
  16. Singapore
  17. Pakistan
  18. Sri Lanka
  19. Ireland
  20. Turkey

Countries that Celebrate Father’s Day in September

  1. Australia
  2. New Zealand
  3. Fiji
  4. Papua New Guinea

Other Notable Dates for Father’s Day Celebrations

  • Germany: Celebrates Father’s Day on Ascension Day (40 days after Easter).
  • Russia: Celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23.
  • Italy: Celebrates Father’s Day on March 19, St. Joseph’s Day.
  • Thailand: Celebrates Father’s Day on December 5, the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
  • Brazil: Celebrates Father’s Day on the second Sunday in August.
  • Denmark: Celebrates Father’s Day on June 5, coinciding with Constitution Day.
  • South Korea: Celebrates Parents’ Day on May 8.


The celebration of Father’s Day in September in Australia and New Zealand, as opposed to June in many other countries, can be attributed to a combination of seasonal, economic, and cultural factors. This choice reflects the adaptability of global traditions to local contexts, emphasizing the importance of cultural diversity and practical considerations. As a result, Father’s Day in these countries not only honors fathers but also enriches the cultural tapestry of their societies.


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Vinh Van Lam
the authorVinh Van Lam
Vinh Van Lam, co-founder of ArtSHINE, is a visionary art coach and entrepreneur with a passion for fostering creativity. With a diverse background in art and business, he brings a unique perspective to empower emerging artists, enabling them to thrive in the dynamic art industry through the innovative platform of ArtSHINE.

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