4 Ways To Help Your Team Adapt To New Technology

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Technological advancement is always opening doors for businesses. It can improve productivity, save money, and create a better customer experience. If you’re going to stay relevant in an ever changing business world, it’s important that you adopt new technology properly. If you don’t keep up to date with advancements, you’ll soon fall behind your competitors. However, there is a downside to new technology because it is constantly changing the way that we do business. That is a good thing in a lot of ways but it does mean that some companies struggle to keep up and adapt properly. You only see the benefits of new technology if your employees understand how to use it effectively and how it changes the way that they should work. If they can’t do that, the technology that you invest in won’t improve the business, so you’re just wasting money. If you think that this might be a problem in your business, these are some of the best ways that you can help your team adapt to new technology. 

Understand The Capabilities 

The first step in helping your employees to adapt to new technology is to understand the capabilities and the benefits of that technology. New business software doesn’t just make life easier for your employees, it actually increases your workforce capability and allows them to operate in ways that they simply would not be able to without those technological advancements. But you’re never going to see those benefits and changes if you don’t understand the new capabilities of your workforce in the first place. The key to helping them to adapt is to rethink the way that your team works and build a team around their new capabilities. If you start introducing technological change but your team is working in the same way that they always have, they’re not going to be as productive as they could be. 

Whenever you introduce new software in your business, it’s important that you understand all of the features and capabilities that it has. Then you need to think about the daily tasks that your employees complete, and how this new technology will change their average workday. Unless you completely rethink the way that your team operates and make changes according to new technology, your team will struggle to adapt. 

Roll Things Out Slowly 

When you introduce a new piece of technology that completely changes the way that an employee does their job, it’s going to take some getting used to. The working practices that they’ve been following for years are suddenly upended and they almost have to learn how to do their job all over again. If you do it all in one go, it’s going to be overwhelming and people will really struggle with it, that’s why you need to roll it out slowly. Introduce things in intervals so one or two of their daily tasks are altered at once. When they’re used to that, you can start introducing more changes. Over time, they will transition into their new way of working but it won’t seem so daunting because they don’t have to learn everything all at once. 

When you’re trying to roll out new technology, you should try to identify the employees that are most likely to pick it up quickly. Start by introducing those employees to new software before rolling it out across the rest of the office. Those employees can help their colleagues get to grips with things and answer any questions that they might have. 

Encourage Communication Amongst Employees 

Getting your employees to help one another get to grips with new technology is the best way to make sure that the whole team is adapting effectively. Communication is key if you want to do that, so make sure that you encourage good communication and collaboration around the office. Implementing a live chat system that employees can use to send messages around the office is a great way to do this. If somebody is stuck with something, they can simply ask another coworker who can help them get back on track quickly so their productivity doesn’t suffer. It’s a lot easier for your team to adapt when learning new technology is a group effort. 

Ask For Feedback 

When you’re training employees to use new technology, you’re not going to get it right every time, you’re bound to make mistakes. But as long as you don’t repeat those mistakes next time, you’re moving in the right direction. That’s why you should always ask for feedback on the training after implementing new technology so you can make it easier for your employees to adapt next time. 

Introducing new technology into your business is always going to require a transitional period but if you do these things, it will be a lot easier for your employees to adapt. 


Vinh Van Lam
the authorVinh Van Lam
Vinh Van Lam, co-founder of ArtSHINE, is a visionary art coach and entrepreneur with a passion for fostering creativity. With a diverse background in art and business, he brings a unique perspective to empower emerging artists, enabling them to thrive in the dynamic art industry through the innovative platform of ArtSHINE.

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