Ways To Make Money Online

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Are you looking for some ways to make a bit of extra cash online? If so, we have two suggestions to consider…

Profit on another business’ excess stock

One business’s surplus stock can quite easily be another person or company’s gain. There are, of course, several reasons as to why overstock may occur, these include; poor judgement, liquidations of companies and products which are out of season or style – to name but a few. Nevertheless, there are many individuals who are waiting to capitalise on this and make a living from buying excess inventory.

This means that there is the possibility for business’ to make a certain level of monetary returns on the surplus stock they have acquired. There are several ways in which to offload obsolete inventories. The different ways in which a business can offload stock, and retrieve some money/or contribute to the debt owed range from; closeout deals, to auctions, to simply selling via liquidations based buy and sell websites.

The reasons why other businesses may see someone’s year-end returns or seasonal excess as a potential for profit vary. Many individuals find it difficult to grasp how a product can be obsolete for one business yet desirable to another. However, a lot of those who buy surplus stock actually deal with a niche customer base. More often than not they will have a store which is specifically dedicated to selling excess products. Another reason is as they may already have a buyer for the good and thus profit is assured. You could even establish a website and make a business from home purely out of selling on surplus stock. Sounds good, right?

Furthermore, there are some industries whereby surplus goods make up a substantial sector of the industry, for example, the clothing industry. Businesses will often buy out of style stock from major high-street brands as there is a market for this, after all; not everyone who buys clothing is concerned with fashion trends. Yet the big high-street brands would not be able to sell this to their consumer base as the products are no longer applicable to their consumers.

One person’s loss can certainly be another person’s gain. If a business has excess stock they need to get rid of then they should assess their avenues. It is likely that there will be others who can capitalise on this for their own profit.

Sell gold for cash

At present, it is extremely popular to sell your gold jewellery via the likes of ABC Refinery Liquidation. Initially, some individuals deter from selling their gold because they worry about parting with it. Nevertheless, if you have gold that you do not wear then there are several reasons why you should consider selling it.

First and foremost, now is the time to sell your gold. After all, the value of gold is very high at the moment. In fact, it is one of the only goods which has increased in value during the tough economic times. Moreover, you will find that you can get even better prices for your gold online as well.

In addition to this, selling your gold is a great way to get rid of something which is broken or tangled. After all, your jewellery does by no means have to be in good condition. Therefore, if you have something which is damaged, why let it take up room in your jewellery box? Simply sell it instead, and use the cash to buy yourself another piece of jewellery.

Furthermore, you may actually want to sell your gold simply because your jewellery is no longer fashionable and so you don’t view it as a desirable piece. Moreover, it could even hold ugly memories that you no longer want to be reminded of. Therefore, cashing in may be the best option.

And finally, the most obvious reason yet arguably the most important, is to free up some spare cash. Most people could do with a little bit of added cash so that they can pay any bills that come in or unexpected costs!


Vinh Van Lam
the authorVinh Van Lam
Vinh Van Lam, co-founder of ArtSHINE, is a visionary art coach and entrepreneur with a passion for fostering creativity. With a diverse background in art and business, he brings a unique perspective to empower emerging artists, enabling them to thrive in the dynamic art industry through the innovative platform of ArtSHINE.

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