Image Credit: Kaboompics
New restaurants open all the time and persuading people to leave their favourite haunts can be a tough gig in itself. Though you know that what you are serving is nothing short of awesome, you need to focus in on the things that will bring people to your door.
Advertising your business is the cornerstone you need to bring success to everyone involved. Word of mouth might make a restaurant great, but you need to tell people about yourself if you hope to get them talking. Advertising can be a minefield but there are 3 ideas you should always focus on in your marketing materials if you want to make an impression.
What is Your Food About?
The first thing people want to know is what your food is about. Sure, you’re doing Italian but are you a pizza restaurant or are you more traditional? Are you focusing on pizza in the style of Napoli or are you going for an American-Italian vibe? Tell us what you are aiming for.
You should also think about where your food is coming from. People want to know that you have an organic vegetable supplier or that you are importing wine directly from the vineyard in France. They also like hearing that your star recipe has been handed down for generations or that you are taking traditional food and bringing a modern twist.
What is Your USP?
Of course, all restaurants do the same thing: you go in, you eat, you leave. So what is it that makes your restaurant different to the restaurant over the road? What is your unique selling point?
For many restaurants, the interior design takes a big role in how people experience the food. Simple things like lighting and colour choices can make a big difference to taste which is weird but worth thinking about. You might also like to think about your staff or how the tables are laid out. Is this a family restaurant or is it a posh night out? All of these things contribute to the character of your restaurant and need to be advertised.
When Can They Try It?
The final piece of information people need is where they can find you and when they can come. Make your opening times clear on your website and make sure that you provide an easy booking system too. Many restaurants now do this online to make things even easier.
Once people know when they can come, give them incentives to book at quieter times too. For example, an early bird menu might bring in families earlier in the evening or a cocktail hour could tempt people in after work. Think about what will work with your business model and your customers and find a great deal for everyone.
Remember that the purpose of all your advertising materials is to give people a reason to try your restaurant out. Once they have arrived, you will need to live up to the expectations you have set so be realistic about who you are and what you provide.
Want to learn more?
- Just starting out? CLICK HERE
- Been working in your business for two years or more? CLICK HERE
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