If you maintain a website and you aren’t currently making an income from it, then you are missing out. Right now websites offer an excellent opportunity to make money so much so that you can even turn them into a fully-fledged business if you do desire.
If you like the idea of being your own boss, working on your own terms and doing what you love along the way, here are some very simple ways that you can turn your website into a business opportunity:
Become a Blogger
If you don’t already maintain a regularly updated blog on your website, you may wish to consider starting because not only is it a great way to express your creativity and share your ideas with the world, but it is also a fantastic way to drive traffic to your website. You can then start adding paid content or affiliate links or even selling your own writing courses to make a regular income.
Become a Brand Ambassador
Partnering up with a company whose products and services are relevant to the content of your website is another good way to turn your website into a money-making business. However, you may find it difficult to do so unless your website is filled with lots of interesting content and unless it has a decent following already, so you may need to build your site up a little before choosing this option.
Build an Extensive Email List
If you use your website to drive traffic with excellent content, then you encourage your visitors to sign up to your mailing list, you could very easily make a good living out of affiliate marketing. The affiliate marketing process is a lot simpler than it may sound to those of you who aren’t familiar. Basically, you choose products and services that are complementary to your website and which you think the people in your email list would be interested in, you then write content promoting those products/services, including links and then send your content out via email ( you can also include affiliate links on your website. Every time someone uses your link to buy a product, you receive a commision. If you want to make a business out of it, looking for higher-end products or products with high commision rates is probably a good way to maximise your income, but if you have a flair for writing creative copy that is pretty persuasive, you should have no problem selling whatever it is you’re interested in.
Sell Your Work
If you’re an artist, a writer or a crafter, for example, a good way to harness the power of your website is by using it to get traffic and then promoting the stuff you sell. A good website can get more traffic than a basic online store if you know what you are doing, so going down this route and advertising on Etsy, freelancing sites, etc. will give you your best shot of building a successful business showcasing your skills.
Is your website your business? How do you make money from it?
Want to learn more?
- Just starting out? CLICK HERE
- Been working in your business for two years or more? CLICK HERE
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Now is the time to let your passion SHINE.
Now is the time to Make Tomorrow Today!
To your success,
Vinh Van Lam & Stuart Horrex
Your Creative Coaches @ CoSydney & ArtSHINE industries