If you’re determined to follow your passion, then here are some tips to help you build a sustainable business:
Do your research: Once you know your passion, work out whether you can make money from it and live the life you want.
Ask yourself:
Are you any good at it?
Are you ready and 100 percent committed to it?
Identify successful: people and speak to them on how they started their business, the challenges and what would they do differently?
Select a mentor: Choose a business coach who understands you, your passion, the business and industry. They’ll help you find solutions, hold you accountable, motivate you and help you grow.
You should have mentors in different business areas to help you along. A mentor can offer advice, support, networks, and guidance.
Honour your Desire, Passion, & Purpose (DPP) and let it shine! When you’re following your passion, make sure you’re very clear on your DPP. Keep your passion clear, simplify the process and shine on.
Take action: If you have the commitment and drive you will be a success. Persistence and repetition will help you learn, build and grow your business.
Focus on:
Working IN: Creating, and producing designs or products
Working ON: Promoting your business
Working ABOVE: Working towards your dream and vision
If you have confidence and competence, then you’ll be following your passion.
We have coached many clients who are living their passions and creating the business lifestyle they’ve always desired.