The culture is the foundation of the Vision and Mission of your business.
A Vision is where you want you business to be. It’s actually your purpose or your intention….
The roadmap to your vision is your Mission. A mission is your HOW.This requires 4 key areas:
• Who are you…?
• What business are you in…?
• Who are your customers…?
• What make us unique and quirky?
So take time out of your business today to really define and review your business culture.
Once you have your business culture sorted, you can then use this information to communicate with your stakeholders, particularly your team. Make sure the culture of your business is empowering, challenging, and setting good benchmarks for your team to follow too.
If you are just starting out it’s important to focus on building a sound foundation for your business culture at the early stages rather than later. Remember to do regular revision to ensure your culture is still in line with your vision. Picture your culture like the air, you and your team need to breath it and live it !
Define your core values and apply them in everything you do to take your business to the next level. Apply them to your recruitment and find the right team member who has the same values as your business. Find the right investors, partners, and mentors who share the same passion as you do. Use Your core values to build your brand and set your marketing strategies that are aligned with your business culture.
To build and sustain a consistent business culture will require time. Rome was not built in a day. So too your business culture, it needs lots of hard work to define and nurture in order for it to grow organically. Your culture needs to be strong and needs to be able to empower you and your team.
So think big and act bigger”
Plan your business for long term rather than short term.
Here are the 12 Core Values that we live and breath at ArtSHINE:
- Deliver WOW factor through our coaching service.
- Embrace and drive change.
- Have lots of fun.
- Be adventurous, creative and open-minded.
- Share knowledge and learning with clients
- Be open and honest with clients.
- Build a positive team and family spirit.
- Leveraging time and systems
- Be passionate and compassionate
- Hold accountability to our clients
- Intention and being present
- Gratitude and Attitude