“Where Butterflies Blossom”
Acrylic on canvas 80 x90 cm
By Artists & Designer
“All through the long winter,
I dream of my garden.
On the first day of spring,
I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth.
I can feel its energy, and my spirits soar“
~Helen Hayes
Welcome to the first day of Spring!
Every day is a day for inspiration. As you go on with your life and face new challenges of every day, Spring is here to inspire you and to bright up your day.
Spring is also a great time to review your personal and business goals. It’s also a great time for you to reconnect and connect with people that you did not find the time to see them in the past.
So what is your plan for your first day of Spring?
If you would like to share please leave your comment here.
Make Tomorrow TODAY!
Tags:Spring Quote