Part 2 :
The following steps will help you to prepare and cover all the essential tasks you need to do to get ready for your market.
Plan your production activities:
Have a plan in placed give yourself at least 12 weeks to get your stock together if you are a new start. We encourage our creative clients to work on a 90 days plan. If you are going to be doing markets regularly then you need to keep creating and producing products to cater for different market events. The key is to plan your activities backward and then working forward to the final day of the market. By doing this way you will cover all aspects of the market event.
Stall Layout:
Another step to preparing for a market is the stall layout. When you receive your acceptance it should come with a map and where you stall will be. This will help you know how much space you have available. It would be a good idea to map out where you want all your stock to be. If you take time to make a mock up display of your product in stall before you leave home, or at least plan your display on paper, your set up on the day will go much easier.
Set up:
It is a good idea to store your unpacking material in the stall as you pack, so it’s accessible when you are ready to pack up and leave. This is depended on how big is your stall. Some shows will allocate a space for you to store your boxes and extra stock, consult your event organiser about this. Make sure you have the basic tools that you might need during the show and those you need for breakdown when the show is over. Once your stall is up and nicely displayed with products, spend a few minutes taking photographs. Keep your stall neat, tidy and free of dust.
Visual Merchandising:
After you have planned your lay out of your stall, the next step is to figure out how much you want to price all of your products for. It might be helpful for the more expensive things to be put in the front so people have to walk past them to get to the smaller items. You will want to check with other promoters about prices to make sure that your pricing isn’t too high or too low. It might also be a good idea to reduce some stock and advertise them for a little less for “Market Special” so people think that they are getting a good deal. Maybe have the retail price crossed out with the sale price below it. This will make them want to buy now rather than if they know that the price on the product is always this price and they can get it at anytime. This is only an idea for you to attract footfall into your stall, if you don’t want to reduce your price and that is fine you too just need to come up with an incentive to attract customers it could even be gift with purchase or buy one and get the second one half price. Be creative with your approach.
Promotional Materials:
Make sure when planning for a market to have something for people to take home with them even if they do not buy from you. Give them something that will make them remember your name: like a business card, a flyer, postcard or something that has your contact details and your website on it. This way if they decide to order in the future they can go on your website or call you up. Have your product kit ready for potential retailera who might be interested to have your product in their stores.
People love free gift as long as you are promoting your business. If you have a budget get badges or free magnet with your business details on it or if you have any off cut fabrics maybe you can make little thank you card as a give away. There are so many ideas you just have to explore it and find what work for your business
Pens & Papers:
Tune in for Part 3 Next Friday