Inspirational Quote of the Week:
" Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire,...
" Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire,...
" You don't get what you wish for, you get what you work for." ~ Unknown...
" An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as...
"You need to take action to make progress. Action starts not from what is far and difficult but from what...
“Setting goals is not the main thing. It's deciding how you'll go about achieving them and staying with that plan....
Imges by Monica LiLe petit moni photographie You were always there as I grew upAnd I'm very proud, I amIn...
" The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance". ...
"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films,...
Have an Egg-ceptional Eggs-traordinary Easter & A very Safe one too....
" Fools wait for a lucky day but every day is a lucky day for an industrious man" - Buddha...
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